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  Find the best colleges to help you meet your goals.  Learn more about the schools and programs in your area. College Database for schools and financial scholarships.  How and where to apply for sports scholarsips and several more types of financial assistance programs to match your individual skills, life experience, goals, and situations.

Local Colleges

Each summer, we visit three local colleges: SUNY Binghamton University, Davis College, and Broome County Community College. These colleges have so many different majors, clubs, sports, and activities. Below, we have included some information on each college. 

Binghamton University, a state university of New York, is the best state school in the northeast. Binghamton offers many different majors, degrees, clubs, activities, and dorming. The possibilities are limitless.


Binghamton has 6 different colleges within the university. The colleges include:

1) Harpur College of Arts and Sciences
2) Thomas J. Watson School of Engineering and Applied Science
3) Decker School of Nursing
4) College of Community and Public Affairs
5) School of Management
6) Graduate School of Education

Within these colleges, there are many majors to choose from.


​Binghamton University has a very competitive Division 1 Athletics Program. Binghamton University's most notable sport is basketball. Baxter the Bearcat, (in the photo above) is at every game, cheering the players on!

If you are not interested in playing sports on a Division 1 team, there are many other sport opportunities. One can join intramural sports, recreation sports, the on-campus gym, hiking clubs, or take gym classes.

Binghamton University has a lot more to offer than classes! There are many different organizations and clubs to join. Also, resident halls, where students can live on campus, even provide many events and social gatherings. 

Davis College, which originated in 1900, has concentrated its programs on Bible-based ministry preparation. They have nationally and regionally accredited programs that are designed to engage students in the pursuit of truth through a study of the Scriptures, general education subjects to understand our world, and professional courses which develop skills to minister effectively to people.


Davis College offers many different programs for many different types of degrees (as shown below): 


This college has a great feature for those who are all over the world: online classes! You can work toward a degree no matter where you are. "The goal of Davis Online Learning (DOL) is to help Davis College fulfill the mission of impacting the world for Jesus Christ through offering courses anywhere in the world from Davis College. DOL provides a distant online learning environment where you study on your own schedule! Davis Online Learning courses are taught by Davis College professors providing quality, cutting edge courses from on-campus to online."



"At its inception in 1946, SUNY Broome was firmly rooted in technical and applied sciences, yet the College has grown and adapted to fit the community’s needs. Today, SUNY Broome has become one of New York’s most comprehensive community college, offering its students ever expanding degree opportunities in a variety of fields such as Health Sciences, Science, Technologies, Engineering and Math (STEM) , Liberal Arts and Business and Public Services. With a solid foundation at SUNY Broome, students will be prepared for their pursuit of additional education, or to find job placement in their chosen field."

Although college is definitely a worthwhile investment, it is often seen as unaffordable. Not at BCC! BCC offers 3 different types of financial aid packages depending on your needs.
These packages are:
1. Grants that do not have to be repaid
2. Loans on which interest rates are fairly low and have to be repaid upon graduation or leaving the college
3. part-time employment called "Work-Study"

Federal FAFSA Application for financial assistance can be completed at
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