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Our Vision:

"Without a Vision, the people perish," and the vision for The George F. Johnson Dream Center is a springboard to action, an incubator for creative solutions; a call to keep the legacy of George F. Johnson alive, a legacy which says, "When we extend goodwill and provide opportunity, we empower others to better themselves and their families.”

Mission Statement:

The George F. Johnson Dream Center will serve as a reminder that the Great Experiment of Self-Governance is only as good as the character of the individuals who are a part of her. The Center points individuals to find out who they are and why they are here, and connects such ones to others on this same high path.

Through the Dream Center

Kids can leave the "persona" behind


​​just be kids.

They have an alternative to the street,
with free team sports, and gain skills for
future life success.
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